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OctaFX refuse to return my profit for 15615.76 USD

维权金额 $15615.76

CONTENT On July 3rd, I deposited an amount of USD 5,409.85 into my account and opened a sell position on USDJPY for 5 standard lots at a price of 161.6. During this period, I did not take any further action until all positions were closed on July 17th at a price of 156.72. This resulted in a profit of USD 15,615.76 and a total balance of USD 21,025.61. Subsequently, I received an email from the OctaFX KYC team requesting verification of my identity through a selfie. Unexpectedly, on the same day, I was notified via email that my account had been blocked and that the accrued profit of $15,615.76 USD would be withheld. Upon inquiry regarding the reason for the funds being withheld, OctaFX attributed the action to an alleged misuse of the platform’s swap-free feature. I endeavored to explain that there was no intention to misuse the swap-free feature offered by the platform.Regarding the alleged misuse of the swap-free feature, I possess evidence that contradicts this claim.OctaFX actively promotes its swap-free feature, assuring clients of no unexpected charges. Given this, it is reasonable to expect that clients can utilize this feature without restriction. Furthermore, OctaFX cannot arbitrarily justify any actions taken against clients who employ the swap-free service. Supporting evidence, including screenshots from various online sources, corroborates this claim. It is essential that clients be afforded the opportunity to trade swap-free without conditions imposed unilaterally. Any modifications to these terms should be preceded by explicit notification to clients. (Even though I do not wish to take advantage of the swap-free feature in any way)OctaFX has accused me of breaching the customer agreement. Upon careful review of the provided documentation and the agreement accessible on the company's website, I have found no reference to the term 'swap' or any related provisions. Therefore, I am confident that no contractual violations have occurred.
Illegal Access and Unauthorized Withdrawal of Funds by Ventezo Country Manager
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维权金额 --

CONTENT To whom it may concern, I am writing to bring to your attention aserious issue regarding illegal access and unauthorized withdrawal ofcommission of Eight Hundred Fifty One US Dollar and ThirtyEight US Cents Dollar (851.38 USD) by the country manager ofVentezo here in the Philippines. I only knew this the time that I received anemail on December 6, 2023 that a withdrawal has been completed. So Iimmediately login to my account and indeed there was a transaction done inbehalf of me. This grave misconduct constitutes a serious act of fraud, whichhas directly affected the integrity of operations and our trust in the company. The unauthorized withdrawal of commission bythe country manager not only violates company policies but also breaches thetrust and confidence of all parties involved, including clients and employees.Such actions undermine the reputation of the company and have causedsignificant financial harm. That following unauthorized transaction hasalso affected my brother-in-law’s trading account amounting to SixHundred Thirty Seven US Dollars and Seventy Five US Cents (637.75 USD) inwhich the complainant is one facilitating its trading. He received a similaremail from Ventezo Company regarding a withdrawal request completed that hehadn't initiated. That on the aforementioned date, 06 December2023, following an inquiry made to Ventezo's chat support, which yieldedunsatisfactory feedback, I sought resolution by directly contacting the Owner/CEOof Ventezo Company, Mr. IVAN NOVOSELOV, via WhatsApp messenger. However, noresponse was received.


