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Win Ferrari from InstaForex

2021-04-01 Brokersview

InstaForex continues to extend the range of its luxury gifts. The winner of the supercar campaign will get Ferrari F8 Tributo - a two-seater sports car with the most powerful Italian-made engine which has been winning the title of “Best Engine” in the International Engine of the Year awards three years in a row.

Activity Details:

Account type: live trading accounts

Campaign period: 09/12/19 - 09/12/22

Main prize: Ferrari F8 Tributo

Requirements for participation: $1000 deposit

F8 Tributo combines innovations and expertise gained thanks to the participation in GT and Challenge championships. This is a production model of Ferrari, which has acquired the basic features of professional racing cars.

The conditions of participation are easy and straightforward! You need to top up your account with 1,000 USD/EUR or 500 USD/EUR if you are a member of InstaForex Club. The more accounts you register and make a required deposit, the higher chances to win you have. Even by the end of the contest, the odds of winning are very high and stay in the range from 1:500 to 1:1,000.

Activity Link:

