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How to check a broker is SFC-regulated or not?

2024-03-04 BrokersView

Each financial regulator has its own regulatory inquiry process. The United States NFA, United Kingdom FCA, New Zealand FMA, Hong Kong SFC, Singapore MAS and other countries or regions of foreign exchange supervision and inquiry processes are also different.


Established in 1989, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) is an independent statutory body responsible for regulating the operation of the securities and futures markets in Hong Kong. It operates independently of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and is funded mainly by transaction levies and licensing fees.


Today, we are going to share some knowledge about the regulatory inquiry of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission.


1. Visit the official website of the Securities and Futures Commission, Select the language you are familiar with on the top page.


2. Drop down the page and enter the license number/reference number (preferred) or dealer name in the search bar;


3. Use "Name Search" to enter the company name; Or "Central Number Search", then enter a supervisory number (e.g. Swissquote number: AZV127);


If you can not find the relevant results in the SFC, it means that the dealer is likely to be an unauthorized company, please pay attention to prevention;


4. If the company is regulated by the SFC, we can see the corresponding company's name, licensing date, regulated activities, effective date, address, website, etc. At this point, you should click on "License Record" and check whether the dealer is entitled to provide financial services for "Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading";


5. After completing the above steps, do not forget to check the most important information - in the "Address" column, check that the information on the trader's web page is consistent with the information published by the SFC, especially information such as the web address and email address.

If the information is inconsistent, stay away from the dealer, as it is likely to be an unauthorized company and your funds are likely to be compromised.

