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Award Ceremony of 2024 Award For Brokers with Outstanding Assessment·Singapore Opens Today!

2024-03-30 Brokersview

After nearly three months, through the nomination and voting stages, the 2024 Award For Brokers With Outstanding Assessment·Singapore is now finally coming to the offline Awards Ceremony. This marks an important moment focusing on outstanding achievements and prospects in the financial field, and it is also a recognition of outstanding brokers in the financial field.


The ceremony awards winners in two categories: Most Popular Award and BV Assessment. The winners were announced on March 15, 2024, and they will be on hand today to enjoy the trophies and applause!


This event is not only an award ceremony but also serves as a chance to network with the top brokers. Additionally, you can hear speeches from industry professionals, and we'll have a complimentary premium buffet dinner at the end of the event.


The ceremony starts at 6:30 PM (GMT+8) and the agenda is as follows:

It’s time for the feast of knowledge, networking, and collaboration! Let's explore and promote the best practices in the financial sector to promote sustainable growth of the industry and shape the future financial landscape. 


Don’t miss this important moment! This is a time for us to move towards excellence and start a new chapter together!

