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【 Regarding Coinexx Malicious Denial of Withdrawals 】
Ryo Cha

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CONTENT 【 Regarding Coinexx Malicious Denial of Withdrawals 】Due to improper falsification of transaction records and improper swap collection, a withdrawal (US$35,450) due to profit cancellation was denied.The breakdown is as follows・19,498USD Profit reduction due to improper falsification of records・13,883USD Improper swap collection・2,069USD Insufficient funds received102,374USD withdrawal requested on 12/8.It was supposed to be processed within 48 hours, but was not.The profit was subsequently reversed without notice due to falsified transaction records and improper swap recovery.The remaining amount (69,011USD) was explained to have been paid on 12/22, but only 66,942USD was received.The withdrawal was in USDT (ERC20) and Etherscan has confirmed that the shortfall occurred after the withdrawal. is a description of each piece of evidence and the conflicting responses from email and support.【 1. Falsification of trading records 】As can be seen from the image, the unfavorable execution record has been falsified and the profit has been canceled.I have received an e-mail stating that there was an unauthorized transaction, but of course I have no recollection of it.In addition, when I contacted support, they stated that they do not interfere with customer trades. There is a discrepancy.【 2. Unreasonable swap collection 】There is a record of -138831USD listed as Swaps Adj as can be seen from the image.Even though swaps were deducted from the position, the profit was cancelled due to unjustified additional collection.In addition, we have confirmed with support that the correct swap short for USDJPY is -3.9. We only charge a transaction fee and a swap fee if the trade is opened overnight".Again, there is a discrepancy here. Note that the swap point was changed to -35.19 after the unjustified collection. This is strange because -3.9 should be correct.
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