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Sardis Markets


Operating status: SCAM


Broker violations and abnormal records
  • 2023-09-20 BrokersView has Reviewed that Sardis Markets is an Unregulated Broker

    According to its website, Sardis Markets is located in UK. However there is no matching information was found in the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

    The truth is that Sardis Markets is not regulated by any regulators. Letting it hold or control investors' money is unsafe, and the money can not be protected by any laws. 

    Therefore, Sardis Markets is a scam.

    According to its website, Sardis Markets is located in UK. However there is no matching information was found in the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).The truth is that Sardis Markets is not regulated by any regulators. Letting it hold or control investors' money is unsafe, and the money can not be protected by any laws. Therefore, Sardis Markets is a scam.

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My withdrawal takes much longer than before on Sardis Markets. Can you help?

Eng. Julian Andres Amin
ANSWER Your withdrawal issue with Sardis Markets is a sign of a scam. Our investigation into this broker suggests that it is an unlicensed trading platform in the UK and thus there are no rules in place to protect investors from fraud and identity theft.Sardis Markets claims to be operated by Sardis Markets Financial Software Services Limited, registered with the Companies House (CH) under number 14058138. However, mere registration with CH is not enough as a support for its legitimacy in forex trading. As per UK law, businesses or individuals providing financial services or products in the United Kingdom are required to seek authorization from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) before they can solicit investors. However, our search for this company in the FCA register didn't yield any results. This means Sardis Markets is not financially registered in the UK and thus is an unauthorized platform.Without regulatory oversight, entrusting Sardis Markets with funds and personal information is highly risky. This platform may suddenly disappear with customers' funds without any notice in advance. Once such a disaster occurs, its clients are not able to recover their money or get any compensation. To safeguard investors' interests, we always emphasize the importance of verifying a broker's license. It is advisable to choose a fully regulated broker to mitigate substantial risks.
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