ANSWER Dear Investor,
Thank you for reaching out to us. Our research indicates that Equitytrio is a scam. There are several warning signs to watch out for:
Firstly, it uses a fictitious certificate to appear legitimate and claims to have been incorporated in the US, but it is not supervised by the National Futures Association (NFA).
Secondly, the use of a website template linked to fraudulent activities makes its content identical to those of scam platforms we have flagged. The offerings, testimonials, and withdrawal success notifications are not credible, as they are all part of the website template.
Lastly, Equitytrio alleges to be domiciled in the UK. However, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a warning against Equitytrio, pointing to its unauthorized status and advising investors to avoid it.
Therefore, we have reasons to suspect Equitytrio of being a fraudulent trading platform. For a safer trading environment, it is recommended to choose fully regulated brokers over unregulated ones like Equitytrio.
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