
Funds Withdrawal from HERO MARKETS LTD.
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Abdul Rahman Butt
pakistan 2024-04-15
Broker Terkait:
Klaim: Pemulihan Dana
Jumlah: $4800
Progres: Dibalas
BrokersView Brokersview meninggalkan balasan

Dear user, BrokersView has reviewed that HERO MARKETS LTD is an unregulated broker.

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Abdul Rahman Butt Mengajukan Keluhan

Hello Team BrokersView,

This is to inform you that i have been scammed by the trading App 'HERO MARKETS LTD' assessed through JSPRO Android app. I was approached by someone who called her name 'Ginney' having the cell # +852 6614 2256. She showed herself as an investor and declared that she made lot of profits from the trading app and insisted me to try as well. She trapped me through by giving a simulation account and guided how to use it. then asked me to start investment with $300 and took me to $4500 investment. Later, inclusive of profits I made $18,163/- and asked her for withdrawal. She connected me to a customer services email '' which she has given me to verify my identity and ensure deposits in my account through Binance. Upon withdrawal request, she  asked me to pay the analyst fee 20% '$2,788' first in  account ID 'TJxYJsBMEX5ZEW5EXvcPR7NY7GtYU4X3Xy'  before we proceed your withdrawal. When I completed the transaction then she asked to pay the Income tax of 15% '$2091' to get the payment. I paid and still waiting for the withdrawal. I processed the withdrawal through the app later on 09-03-2024 and its showing 'Pending Review' since that day and nothing proceeded. Now, the lady from above given number has blocked me and the email ID they have given is not responding. Even the complaint ID of Hero Markets Ltd '' and app '' are not responding/replying. Also, today when I have opened the app its showing the logo of CXM Trading instead of HERO. I'm attaching the proofs as well for your review and possible actions. Thanks

Please please please, help me to recover the amounts as I have lost all my assets by investing in this app.

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